Monday, July 20, 2015

3.P.2A.2- Construct explanations using observations and measurements to describe how matter can be classified as a solid, liquid, or gas.

The teacher will start the lesson by showing the music video "Matter Chatter". The students will be able to participate and sing along. The video will go over what the lesson will be about: the three forms of matter. The teacher will teach on the three forms of matter, and the physical and chemical changes of matter. The students will then participate in an activity where they can see all three forms in one experiment. The teacher will pass out clear cups with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, spoons, and walk by with root beer. The teacher will pour the root beer in the students cups and show them how the root beer and ice cream forms three forms of matter. The root beer is the liquid, the ice cream is the solid, and the bubbles from the chemical reaction is the gas. The students will better understand how things can go from one form to three forms of matter.

Questions to ask during the activity:

  • Can you think of anything that isn't made of matter?
  • What criteria would you use to judge the gaseous state of matter?

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