Monday, July 20, 2015

3.P.3A.3-Analyze and interpret data from observations and investigations to classify different materials as either an insulator or conductor of electricity.

The teacher will teach the class about insulators and conductors while having the students take notes. The teacher will have stations set up around the room consisting of two wires, a battery, and a light bulb at each "electricity" station. The teacher will pass out the materials to the class for each table of students to use, consisting of a key, toothpick, nickel, penny, rubber band, and a brass paper fastener. The teacher will go over the behavioral expectations and instructions. The teacher will hand out the activity sheet and the students will get started. The students will observe the objects and predict if they are insulators or conductors. After they make their predictions, the students will test their predictions at the electricity stations. The students will discuss with their neighbor their predictions and and make observations on different objects, on whether they are conductors or insulators.

Good questions to ask during the lesson:

  • What might happen if you combine two conductors together and then test their help with an electric current?
  • Would an insulator and a conductor touching, still make the light bulb come on at the "electricity" station?
  • How would you classify the conductor objects against the insulator objects? Do you see any trends?

Test various household objects to see if they conduct electricity.