Monday, July 20, 2015

3.S.1A.4- Analyze and interpret data from observations; measurements; or investigations to understand patterns and meanings.

The teacher will start the class by describing to the class how patterns work and how they come in contact with us in our daily lives. The activity the students are going to work on is observing patterns using paper airplanes. The students will pair up and be given a yard stick, a ruler, a pencil, their science journals, and construction paper. The groups will fold a few airplanes each and the teacher will lead the students outside to the blacktop. The teacher will have several things set up; two benches, a long slab of 3 inch tall wood, stools, and a large piece of playground equipment. The teacher will also have some assistance from other teachers during this activity. The students will be given directions and behavioral expectations. The students will take turns flying their airplanes off of different height platforms and record how far their airplanes go. The pairs will measure and record all of their "flights" from all of the platforms. The students will go inside when everyone is finished and the students will try to figure out if there are patterns between the different heights of platforms and the distance of their air planes. The students will take part in a discussion with the teacher who will listen and record their data of different averages of distance for each platform. The students will look for patterns and see which height platform made their plane fly the furthest.

Good questions to ask during the activity:

  • Which platform is giving your airplane a considerable disadvantage in distance? Why?
  • Do you observe any patterns yet?
  • Do you think the size of the airplane makes any difference in flight distance?

Hands on measurement activity requiring students to fly paper airplanes and then measure the distance traveled! Students love it :)

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